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Community Cafe: Trekking the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal with Käthe Barlow & Celie Boley In-Person
Last April we had the unique privilege of trekking in Nepal with five other women from the United States and the United Kingdom. Over the course of sixteen days, we covered 102 miles with an elevation gain of 28,372 ft, almost the height of Everest! While the mountains might have been what called us, it was the Nepali people, the tea houses, the guides who became dear friends, the villages and their intentional ways of life juxtaposed with the bustle of Kathmandu that made our hearts thrum. We are forever changed.
Käthe Barlow is an outdoor educator with ATLAS, a cooperative outdoor education program run by SELT and UNH Extension/4H. She loves to adventure, build community, seek and grow, sing, make and break sourdough bread, and share trails, campfires, & tables with loved ones. She lives in Durham with her husband, three children, and puppy.
Celie Boley is a Durham native who loves to travel and connect with other ways of life, but who also is completely filled up when at home taking advantage of "all things New England". She loves to sing in harmony, play in water, play in snow, and observe her young daughters exploring new parts of life.
Event Organizer
Deborah Jarvis